Dialogical practices for imagined lines

Listening, Interference, and (non) Straight



imagined lines, dialogical, listening, straight, interference


Imagined lines are proposed here as a phenomenon found in concepts, mental imagery, and metaphors. This essay has three parts to highlight the multimodality of imagined lines: a video, an audio track, and a written component. The writing introduces practices, frames the artistic works, and describes and considers the breadth of what an imagined line could be. The audio and video works give context to the writing and communicate in their medium the experience of imagined lines that appear in other modes. The body is used here as the starting point for examining its traces and how that helps us to understand ideas like straight, interference, and listening. This essay proposes that a closer examination of imagined lines can bring unrelated topics into proximity. Simultaneously, the work suggests there are benefits when paying attention to incorporating and using imagined lines in our thinking. By bringing what is often unnoticed into our awareness, we can make direct relationships between the intangible and tangible.

Author Biography

Michael O'Connor, Vrije Universiteit

Michael O’Connor, currently a PhD candidate in practice-based research, previously graduated from the DAS Choreography program in 2015 in Amsterdam and has a BFA in dance from University of Utah. Working at the intersection of cognitive science and movement, his artistic work attempts to recreate and articulate some of the basic building blocks of human perception as performative tools. He teaches creative practice and feedback to university students throughout Europe and is currently adapting dancer-based abstract thinking and collaboration skills for use in businesses. His piece TERTIARY was nominated for the Prix d’Jardin in the 8:Tension series at the ImpulsTanz Festival. His solo premiere work a waiting dog dies earned him Vienna’s ‘dancer to watch’ in BalletTanz Magazine 2008. He has also performed in works by Deborah Hay, David Zambrano and Willi Dorner among others.


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