Transindividual Equations/Matrices



This writing (thinking-feeling) unfolds (an articulation of) contemporary (dis)embodiment through specified glances at the "(post-)internet,” schizoid relationality, and network/device/identity matrices. Technogenetic (and hormonal) play and transductions for transindividuality on the transparency-obfuscation (or personality/anonymity) binaries arrive as psychotherapeutics for symphonic moving-sensing-feeling-thinking-communicating in a potentiated post-neoliberal matrix (networking). Generated is a set of direction-possibilities for a post-internet-bodied world consumed by a hegemony of individualizations and self-captures, desiring instead towards queerer ceremonies and telepathic forms of (care-)presence/therapy for being-together-alone (individuation). The concurrent/included choreographic and research-artistic work 3M0T1NG{n3tw0rk1ng} peeks into a technogenetic xeno-spacetime containing relating (meta-)selves.

Author Biography

Zander Porter, DAS Choreography

Zander Porter is a Californian artist based in Berlin. Working between liveness and onlineness, ze interpolates (dis)identification and (dis)embodiment between surface, portal, psyche, and corpus. Zander’s practices negotiate attention, gender, affect, subjectivity, and role play through an approach to internet semiotics, hormonal technologies, and surveillance paradigms with a mixture of curiosity, reverence, and skepticism. Byproducts (performances) of this negotiation are articulated as (technogenetic) matrices of queerer relationality. Ze has been a core member of XenoEntities Network (XEN), a platform for discussion and experimentation focusing on intersections of queer, gender, and feminist studies with digital technologies. Holding a BA in Art Studio (with additional coursework in Computer Science and Performance Studies) from Wesleyan University and an MA in Choreography from DAS Graduate School – Amsterdam University of the Arts, Zander has worked or participated in residencies at Swiss Institute / Contemporary Art New York, Cité internationale des arts, Trauma Bar und Kino, ACUD MACHT NEU, the Saison Foundation, and National Institute for Space Research (INPE), among others.


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