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Laura Cull Ó Maoilearca (Netherlands)

Laura Cull Ó Maoilearca is Professor and Head of DAS Graduate School at the Academy of Theatre and Laura Cull Ó Maoilearca is Professor and Head of DAS Graduate School at the Academy of Theatre and Dance, Amsterdam University of the Arts in the Netherlands. Her current research includes Performance Philosophy & Animals: Towards a Radical Equality – originally an AHRC Leadership Fellowship, now a long-term project. Her books include: The Routledge Companion to Performance Philosophy (Routledge, 2020) and Encounters in Performance Philosophy (Palgrave, 2014), both co-edited with Alice Lagaay; Theatres of Immanence: Deleuze and the Ethics of Performance (Palgrave, 2012); Manifesto Now! Instructions for Performance, Philosophy, Politics (Intellect, 2013), co-edited with Will Daddario; and Deleuze and Performance (Edinburgh, 2009). She is a founding convener of Performance Philosophy, a founding editor of the Performance Philosophy book series (initially with Palgrave, now with Rowman & Littlefield) and a founding editor of the Performance Philosophy journal.

Will Daddario (USA)

Will is co-editor of the Performance Philosophy Book Series and Performance Philosophy Journal. He is author of Pitch and Revelation: Reconfigurations of Reading, Poetry, and Philosophy through the work of Jay Wright, co-authored with Matthew Goulish, and Baroque, Venice, Theatre, Philosophy. He is editor of Glimmerings and Constellations: Critical and Creative Responses to the Plays of Jay Wright (forthcoming 2024), project editor of Selected Plays of Jay Wright, Volumes 1 (The Dramatic Radiance of Number) and 2 (Figurations and Dedications), and co-editor with Harry Robert Wilson of Rethinking Roland Barthes Through Performance: A Desire for Neutral Dramatury, with Karoline Gritzner of Adorno and Performance, and with Laura Cull Ó Maoilearca of Manifesto Now! Instructions for Performance, Philosophy, Politics. Will is also a grief worker at Inviting Abundance and a Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor in the state of North Carolina. Learn more at willdaddario.com

Stuart Grant (Australia)

I am a Senior Lecturer in performance at Monash University. I write about performance phenomenology, site-specific performance, musical theatre, and a bunch of other more or less related topics. I play in the electronic punk band The Primitive Calculators and direct the ecological performance company, the Environmental Performance Authority. I am currently leading a project on experimental music in China, and facilitating collaborations between Australian and Chinese experimental musicians. As a convenor in PP I would like to seek out international networking opportunities, get involved in exploring possibilities with social media platforms, lend a hand with journal reviewing, and work to increase the presence of the organisation outside of the UK and US. One day we may be able to bring the biennial conference to Australia.

Wade Hollingshaus (USA)

Wade is currently a faculty member in the Theatre & Media Arts department of Brigham Young University. He holds an M.A. in Scandinavian Studies from the University of Washington and a Ph.D. in Theatre Historiography and Performance Studies from the University of Minnesota. In his principal appointment, Wade teaches courses in performance studies, theatre historiography, and literary and cultural theory. He is an affiliate faculty member of BYU’s American Studies, European Studies, and Scandinavian Studies programs. For the lattermost, he teaches a course in Finnish Literature. In 2013, Wade published his first book: Philosophizing Rock Performance: Dylan, Hendrix, Bowie. Further work has been published in Theatre TopicsNordic Theatre StudiesScandinavian StudiesReview: The Journal of DramaturgyNineteenth-Century Literature CriticismThe Journal of Religion and Theatre, and The Journal of Finnish Studies. His new book project discusses music performer Peter Gabriel.

Jörg Sternagel (Germany)

Jörg Sternagel is scholar in media studies with a focus on media philosophy and questions of ethics, alterity, and existence. In 2021, he was guest professor in media theory at Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften Hamburg. From 2018 to 2020, he was interim professor for media theory at Berliner Technische Kunsthochschule. In 2019, he obtained the Habilitation at Universität Konstanz. He serves on the advisory board of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ästhetik and the Internationales Jahrbuch für Medienphilosophie and has been co-speaker of the work group Medienphilosopie in the Gesellschaft für Medienwissenschaft from 2021 to 2022. He is author of Ethics of Alterity. Aisthetics of Existence (Lanham 2023).

Anthony Gritten (England)

Anthony has given over 400 organ recitals. He has resurrected a number of forgotten works from the late 19th and early 20th centuries, commissioned new music from several younger composers, and given the first performances of numerous works by Daniel Roth.

Anthony is Head of Undergraduate Programmes at the Royal Academy of Music in London. His publications include essays on the musics of Balakirev, Cage, Debussy, Delius, Goehr, Holloway, Roth, and Stravinsky, on the thoughts of Adorno, Bakhtin, Gadamer, Heidegger, Lyotard, and Nancy, and on issues in Performance Studies such as alibis, challenge, collaboration, determination, dialogue, distraction, empathy, entropy, ergonomics, gesture, indeterminacy, listening, performativity, problem solving, recording, technology, timbre, trust, and voice.

Alice Lagaay (Germany)

Alice is Professor of Aesthetics and Cultural Philosophy in the Design Department at Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (HAW Hamburg). She is a founding member of the Performance Philosophy network and co-editor of the Performance Philosophy book series at Rowman & Littlefield International. She has taught philosophy, media theory and cultural studies at universities in Berlin, Bremen, and Friedrichhafen. Her PhD (2007) was on the philosophy of voice and her post-doctoral research has been on figures of “negative performance”, with a special focus, in recent years, on the notion of “Creative Indifference” as formulated by the early 20th Century philosopher Salomo Friedlaender. During her years in the philosophy department of the University of Bremen, Alice worked closely with the Centre for Performance Studies and the theatre ensemble Theater der Versammlung directed by Jörg Holkenbrink. Together they have been actively involved in developing and applying modes of performative teaching, especially focusing on the teaching and generating of philosophical content. See here and here.

Theron Schmidt (Netherlands/Australia)

Theron works internationally as an artist, teacher, and writer. He has published widely on contemporary theatre and performance, participatory art practices, and politically engaged performance.  He is Editor of the journal Performance Philosophy (performancephilosophy.org/journal), Associate Editor of Performance Research (www.performance-research.org) and Editor of Global Performance Studies (gps.psi-web.org). Previously he founded Contemporary Theatre Review’s online Interventions (contemporarytheatrereview.org). In addition to his academic research, he has written widely about contemporary performance and live art for a variety of publications, including magazines and artist books, and also as part of innovative critical writing projects that foster interaction between scholars, artists, and publics. He also makes performance as a solo and collaborative artist.

Anna Street (France)

Anna is currently a Lecturer in Theater and Performance Studies in the English Department of Le Mans Université and holds a double-doctorate from the University of Paris IV – Sorbonne (English Studies – Theater) and from the University of Kent (Comparative Literature) and a Masters in Philosophy from the Sorbonne. She is the English-language translator for Les Petits Platons, a book collection designed to playfully present philosophy to children. Her activities within the Performance Philosophy network include co-founding the working group Genres of Dramatic Thought (2013), co-organizing international conferences (Paris 2014, Berlin 2014, Ljubljana 2016), and co-editing the volume Inter Views in Performance Philosophy (Palgrave 2017). Her research is devoted to the philosophical and political performative forces of comedy, from post-war theater to contemporary immigrant theater, and her current investigations also focus on water in its myriad forms, meanings, and mediums. Please check here for more details. 

Naomi Woo (Canada/UK)

Originally from Canada, I am a pianist, conductor, and researcher, currently working as assistant conductor of the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra. My PhD, from Cambridge University, used methodology from literary criticism, queer theory, performance studies, and auto-ethnography to explore the impossible in piano etudes by composers including John Cage, György Ligeti, and Nicole Lizée. I have shown interdisciplinary performance work at venues including Somerset House (London), Kettles Yard (Cambridge), and Kunsthalle Darmstadt, and performed as a pianist at Carnegie Hall. I collaborate frequently with artists, choreographers, and composers, including Sasha Amaya, Teppei Higuchi, and Sophie Seita. www.naomiwoo.com

Esther Neff (USA)

Esther Marveta Neff is the founder of Panoply Performance Laboratory (PPL), a thinktank, organizational entity, and flexible collective making operas-of-operations.  PPL’s work has been performed in home-base NYC, across the USA, and around the world taking forms of labor union, social psychology study, natural history museum, and relational tour. Neff’s writing has appeared in the Routledge Companion to Performance Philosophy (with Yelena Gluzman), The Palgrave Macmillan Handbook of Queer and Trans Feminist Performance, in PAJCAESURA, Performance Philosophy Journal, CONTENT: Bard Meme Lab Journal, ICE-HOLE, Performance Paradigm, and elsewhere. The book Institution as a Verb, culminating PPL’s 7-year stint as a lab site in Brooklyn, was published by The Operating System in 2022, and the “operating manual” for PPL’s user-generated performance philosophy Embarrassed of the (W)Hole is available from Ugly Duckling Presse (2023). Neff is currently a PhD student at CUNY Graduate Center and teaches at Hunter College and elsewhere. www.panoplylab.org 

Past conveners

Meghan Moe Beitiks (2015–2020)

Hilan Bensusan (2015–2019)

Luciana da Costa Dias (2015–2019)

Eve Katsouraki (2012–2021)

Alice Koubová (2015–2019)

Ramona Mosse (2015–2021)

Kélina Gotman (2012–2017)

Karoline Gritzner (2012–2020)

John Ó Maoilearca (2012–2020)

Freddie Rokem (2012–2017)

Dan Watt (2012–2019)

Mi You (2015–2019)