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Research Festival and Exhibition. “Conserving Performance, Performing Conservation”

Several schools and museums in Zurich, Geneva, Lausanne, Aarau, and Bern are staging a research festival with performances, workshops, and presentations. This will be an extraordinary event. If you follow performance or have an interest in artistic research, you will want to know about this. For more information, use this link: https://performanceconservationmaterialityknowledge.com/events/research-festival-and-exhibition-conserving-performance-performing-conservation-september-14-29-2024/ Highly recommended! Ken Friedman
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CFP: Performativity and Agonistic Pluralism in a Mediatised Age: Towards a Synthetic Approach An Interdisciplinary Conference Charles University, Prague, 23-25 May 2025

Performativity and Agonistic Pluralism in a Mediatised Age: Towards a Synthetic Approach An Interdisciplinary Conference Charles University, Prague, 23-25 May 2025 Call for Papers Since J. L. Austin’s 1955 William James Lectures, performativity has become a seminal concern in linguistics, philosophy, literature, theatre, gender and media studies. Although Michel Foucault’s influential discourse theory defines itself against the notion of speech act, performativity as a concept has undoubtedly become paradigmatic, fundamentally inflecting understandings of discursive constructions of individual as well as social identities. In philosophy, aesthetics or political science, normative-deliberative theories of discourse (Jürgen Habermas) have been critically reflected (J.-F. Lyotard)…
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Call for Papers – Historiography as Metonymy Special Issue, Theatre Research International (50.3)

Call for Papers – Historiography as Metonymy Special Issue, Theatre Research International (50.3)

Over the last five years, there has been considerable emphasis on the nature and purpose of theatre historiography. Two authoritative collections, Claire Cochrane’s and Jo Robinson’s (eds.) The Methuen Drama Handbook of Theatre History and Theatre Historiography and Tracy C. Davis’ and Peter W. Marx’ (eds.) The Routledge Companion to Theatre and Performance Historiography, underscore the expansive scope of theatre history’s current concerns, probing what the discipline of theatre history has to ‘[offer] to the world’ today. Due to the sweeping breadth of both volumes, which provide surveys of the academic discipline of theatre history and an extensive range of…
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CFP: IDENTIFICATIONS Conf. @ Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, November 20, 2024.

CALL FOR PAPERS Submission deadline: May 25, 2024. IDENTIFICATIONS Performing Counter Discrimination Ca’ Foscari University of Venice November 20, 2024. Keynote Prof. Yannis Stavrakakis (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki) Panel Discussion Prof. Francesco Della Puppa and Prof. Susanne Franco (Ca’ Foscari University of Venice), Prof. Milija Gluhovic (Warwick University), Amanda Piña (Artist and Cultural Worker, Vienna-Mexico City), Dr. Goran Petrovic Lotina (Ca' Foscari University of Venice, UC Louvain, Sciences Po Paris), Aneta Stojnic, PhD, LP (IPTAR, New York) *** Ca’ Foscari University of Venice is organizing an interdisciplinary conference, Identifications. Performing Counter Discrimination, which will take place on the 20th of…
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TaPRA 2024 Theatre, Performance and Philosophy Working Group CfP – Deadline: 10 April 2024

The TaPRA 2024 Theatre, Performance and Philosophy Working Group is seeking proposals keen to engage with some versions, perversions or aversions to – "Uncertain Groundlessness – the dizzy, the ungrounded, the subterranean, and other risky (dis)orientations"... Aaaaaaaaargh… So flippantly, we have bottomed up, upside down – a strange situation, discernible perhaps as an experience of groundlessness. A free-falling or floating condition that slips away from hegemonic conventions of stability, catching on the present moment’s ubiquitous sense of disorientation. According to many contemporary thinkers, such as Hito Steyerl (2011), Claire Colebrook and Cary Wolfe (2013), this groundlessness is a feature of…
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Online Issue Launch: Decolonisation and Performance Studies – 8th December, 2023

Online Issue Launch: Decolonisation and Performance Studies Special Issue of Global Performance Studies Journal 8th December, 2023 – 18:00-20:00 GMT Join us for the online launch of the latest Special Double Issue of Global Performance Studies (GPS) journal, Vol. 5 No. 1-2 (2022), “Decolonisation and Performance Studies”, published in the summer of 2023. Issue Editor: Nesreen N. Hussein Co-Editors: Kevin Brown, Felipe Cervera, Theron Schmidt This special issue is a gesture towards an engagement with decolonisation and performance studies that considers a future for the field that challenges hegemonic configurations of power and epistemic privilege that place particular narratives, methodologies, and epistemologies at the “centre.” No matter…
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Episode 2 of The Refrain: Getting in Sync with the World

Hi Performer-philosophers, the 2nd episode of The Refrain is now live. Here's the info and the link: Episode 2, Falling Apart, Falling Together, is about transformation. How do we become ourselves, what holds us together, and for how long? How are boundaries created, and how bounded are they? We take inspiration from Chapter 11 of the classic tome, A Thousand Plateaus, by French philosophers Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari. Along the way we get some help from Kym Maclaren, Canadian phenomenologist and philosopher of intimacy. Link: https://www.fightwithastick.ca/podcast. Enjoy!
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National Workshop on Script & Screenplay Writing (Hybrid); Centre for Theatre & Film, University of Allahabad, India

The "Idea to Screen” workshop is designed to empower aspiring writers and filmmakers to develop their skills in crafting compelling concepts, writing engaging scripts, and creating impactful screenplays. This intensive workshop aims to provide participants with the tools and knowledge necessary to transform their creative ideas into fully realized narratives for various mediums, including film, television, and online content.
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National Acting Workshop: Stage & Camera (Hybrid); Centre for Theatre & Film, University of Allahabad, India.

To act or to perform has been a human activity par excellence since millennia. In every civilization known to human kind, rituals, performances, drama, theatre and digital media have made us grow more humane. In continuation of our humane activity that simultaneously speaks to the heart and mind; breath and reflexes; energies and expressions – this acting workshop will engage movements, methods and application, which will weave an eclectic module around – speech/diction, aesthetics, tactile performance, scene work, taking light and close shot.
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Workshop on Embodied Cognition and Dance (October 20-22nd)

Dates: October 20-22, 2023 With the advent of the 4E cognition research paradigm, cognitive science has seen a renewed interest in dance. However, much of the new cognitive science on dance does not interact with dance studies, the philosophy of dance, or aesthetics. This interdisciplinary conference brings together cognitive science, philosophy of dance, dance studies, and aesthetics to break down methodological boundaries and facilitate interdisciplinary collaboration. The conference series supports diverse scholars speaking from multiple disciplines and includes traditional academic talks, movement workshops, and performances. This year we will explore "Spatial Dynamics, Aesthetics, and Learning in Dance." We invite researchers…
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