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TaPRA Theatre, Performance and Philosophy CfP – Catastrophe and Reinvention

Dear Performance Philosophy community, Please find below the CfP for the Theatre, Performance and Philosophy Working Group at TaPRA 2023. Catastrophe and Reinvention Deadline for abstracts: Tuesday 11 April 2023 Location: The University of Leeds, 30 August – 1 September The TaPRA working group in Theatre, Performance and Philosophy invites proposals for presentations for the annual conference at the University of Leeds. Any researcher, at any stage of their career, who engages with theatre, performance and philosophy is welcome to propose their work to the group. The working group extends a warm invitation to researchers who have not joined before…
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International Interdisciplinary Online Conference Between Contiguity and Community 24-26 May 2023

International Interdisciplinary Online Conference Between Contiguity and Community 24-26 May 2023

The international conference Contagion: Between Contiguity and Community - Call for Papers. The ongoing COVID-19 crisis, with its obsession with protective gloves and face masks, has put into stark relief that contagion – as Sria Chatterjee has recently argued – shares etymology with contact and is all about touch (Latin: con: together; tangere: to touch). Both about literal touching and about sharing air which penetrates our respiratory tract. The ability or inability to touch and be touched at the time of the pandemic (un)marks the boundaries between human and nonhuman bodies, transforming relations between them. “The distribution of the sensible”…
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Call for the Performance, Religion, and Spirituality Working Group – IFTR Conference 2023

Call for the Performance, Religion, and Spirituality Working Group - IFTR Conference 2023 - Accra, Ghana IFTR’s Performance, Religion, and Spirituality Working Group notes that the broad theme for IFTR’s 2023 conference is myths and myth-making. We think that examinations of performance and religion might be especially important to this conference theme. We are interested, particularly, in work and play that understand myth not as fundamentally fictitious, but as part of reality, and perhaps even constitutive of reality. The analysis of the relation between myths and perception is indeed fundamental to understanding how stories shape and channel realities. For example,…
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PhD Scholarships – Decolonisation at Liverpool Hope University

DECOLONISATION AND HOPE: The Politics and Aesthetics of Black and Global Majority in Liverpool’s Art and Culture *Project Overview* The School of Creative and Performing Arts at Liverpool Hope University wishes to launch a research project to investigate the cultural transformation of Liverpool at the intersection of race, class, gender, and enduring transnational realities with a focus somewhere within the last 150 years. The overarching aim is to consider how the creative and performing arts reflect on the ongoing and contested legacies of colonialisms, canons and/or the legitimacies of knowledge. How can they help acknowledge the transnational connections that have…
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New performance and philosophy podcast: The Refrain – Getting in Sync With the World

New performance and philosophy podcast: The Refrain – Getting in Sync With the World

Fight With a Stick Performance, a company that has been focused on live performance for years, and is concerned with our interconnectedness with the other-than-human, has ventured into the podcast creation. The main source material for the first episode is Eduardo Kohn's book, "How Forests Think: Towards an Anthropology Beyond the Human," and also features the thinking of Jane Bennett in her book, "Vibrant Matter," the work of forest ecologist Suzanne Simard, and others. The title of the podcast series is taken from Chapter 11 of Deleuze and Guattari's "A Thousand Plateaus." That chapter is the focus of the upcoming…
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Call for Papers: The Visibility and Invisibility of Violence

Call for Papers: The Visibility and Invisibility of Violence

"View. Theories and Practices of Visual Culture" invites to submit abstracts to the issue devoted to the problem of visibility and invisibility of violence. Images showing the violence of war, both still and moving, have become part of the collective experience of everyday life in recent months. Photographs of war crimes and films presenting catastrophic destruction have simply become a part of our social media feed. Although different forms of violence (war, terrorism, closed borders, sexual, racial, and class violence) seem over-represented in the field of visibility, the conditions of their functioning in culture are still equally defined by invisibility.…
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PP Biennial Conference starts soon! 15-18 June online/Helsinki

PP Biennial Conference starts soon! 15-18 June online/Helsinki

"Performance Philosophy Problems", the 6th biennial conference for Performance Philosophy will take place 15-18 June, hosted by the University of the Arts Helsinki, as a hybrid conference with some events available for remote participation via Zoom. Registration is required. For more details, see:https://www.uniarts.fi/en/performance-philosophy-conference-2022/ Conference programme: https://www.uniarts.fi/en/events/performance-philosophy-2021/ Registration link: https://www.lyyti.fi/reg/PPP2022_Conference_Registration_6038
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Deadline 22 May: ALL MY RELATIONS: Eco-Pedagogy, Self-Cultivation and Transformative Performance Practices, 2-4 Sept 2022

ALL MY RELATIONS: Eco-Pedagogy, Self-Cultivation and Transformative Performance Practices A transdisciplinary workshop event that explores the ecological potential of performance, performativity, and learning. Gylleboverket, Skåne, 2–4 September 2022. Organized jointly by The Öresund Collegium for Artistic Research (Malmö Theatre Academy), Agenda 2030 graduate school (Lund University) and Gylleboverket, the centre for ecological art and permaculture. Deadline for applications is 22 May. https://www.thm.lu.se/evenemang/all-my-relations-eco-pedagogy-self-cultivation-and-transformative-performance-practices
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Performing Theology CFP for papers, performances, interventions

Performing Theology CFP for papers, performances, interventions

The research network in Theology, Performance and Politics, hosted by University of Dresden, is hosting a FREE online conference from May 20-22, 2022, and seeks submissions. Submissions deadline is April 23. For more information, please go to https://tu-dresden.de/gsw/phil/ikt/systematik/die-professur/forschungsnetzwerke/theology-performance-politics-in-a-nutshell
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TaPRA Theatre, Performance and Philosophy WG CfP: “Survival” – deadline 8 April

TaPRA 2022, 12–14 September, University of Essex Theatre, Performance and Philosophy Working Group Theme of the CfP: Survival Deadline for proposals (EXTENDED): Friday 8 April 2022 The TaPRA working group in Theatre, Performance and Philosophy invites proposals for presentations for the annual conference at the University of Essex. Any researcher, at any stage of their career, who engages with theatre, performance and philosophy is welcome to propose their work to the group. Colleagues who have presented to the group in the past are invited to return to continue conversations about theatre, performance and philosophy. The working group also extends a…
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